

A wide range of black masterbatches suitable for polyolefins, styrenics, and almost all thermoplastics.

Special types for engineering and technical plastics, films, pipes, fibers, and tapes.

Code Carbon black content (w/w) Particle size Carrier
PE-672 22% p-type < 25 nm PE
PE-667 40% p-type < 25 nm PE
2707 10% < 25 nm PSHI
PS-664 40% p-type < 25 nm PS
2705 10% < 25 nm ABS
6702 9% < 25 nm PET
UNI-673 45% p-type < 25 nm Universal


A great variety of white masterbatches based on polyolefins, styrenics, and universal carriers. All of them meet the food contact approval requirements.

Code TiO2 Content (w/w) Carrier
29120 12% PE
4906 40% PE
29191 50% PE
1916 55% PE
29083 55% PE
1959 70% PE
PP-1916 55% PP
PP-1907 60% PP
PP-29077 60% PP
02930 40% PS
02900 45% PS
5972 20% PSHI
5963 47% ABS
6900 40% PET
6903 50% PET
M-5121-K 60% PET
3901 50% Universal